Wiley Finance: Multinational Finance : Evaluating Opportunities, Costs, and Risks of Operations TXT, EPUB, FB2


Deep coverage and rigorous examination of international corporate finance Multinational Finance offers an advanced exploration of international corporate finance concepts and operations. Despite its status as one of the most rigorous texts on the topic, this book remains accessible and readable without sacrificing depth of coverage. Sidebars, key terms, essays, conceptual questions, and problems with solutions help aid in the learning process, while suggested readings and PowerPoint handouts reinforce the material and offer avenues for further exploration. This new sixth edition includes Excel templates that allow students to use real-world tools in a learning environment, and the modular structure facilitates course customization to individual objectives, interests, and preparatory level. The emphasis is on the basics of financial management, but coverage includes unique chapters on treasury management, asset pricing, hedging, options, and portfolio management in addition to traditional finance topics. International finance is a diverse field with myriad specialties and a vast array of possible interests. This book allows students to view the field through the lens of a financial manager with investment or financial options in more than one country to give them a practical feel for real-world application. Understand the nature and operations of international corporate finance Evaluate opportunities, costs, and risks of multinational operations See beyond the numbers and terminology to the general principles at work Learn the markets, currencies, taxation, capital structure, governance, and more Comprehensive, adaptable, and rigorously focused, this book gives students a solid foundation in international corporate finance, as well as a sound understanding of the tools and mechanics of the field. Designed for MBA and advanced undergraduate courses, Multinational Finance provides the deep coverage so essential to a solid education in finance., Multinational Finance assumes the viewpoint of the financial manager of a multinational corporation with investment or financial operations in more than one country. The book provides a framework for evaluating the many opportunities, costs, and risks of multinational operations in a manner that allows readers to see beyond the algebra and terminology to the general principles of multinational financial management. The text is distinguished by its logical organization, superior pedagogy, and clear, non-technical writing style. It includes the traditional international finance topics of foreign exchange, currency and derivatives markets, currency risk (transaction, operating and translation) management, country risk, taxation, capital structure, cost of capital, and international portfolio diversification. It also has unique chapters on multinational treasury management, the rationale for hedging currency risks, options on real assets, corporate governance, asset pricing, and international portfolio management. A modular structure that promotes flexibility in coverage. Intended for MBA and advanced undergraduate classes, the text requires only a single preparatory course in finance. Advanced material is placed in chapter appendices so that study can be tailored to each individual''s objectives, interests, and level of preparation. An emphasis on the basics of financial management. Multinational Finance emphasizes the managerial aspects of multinational finance. Comprehensive coverage of traditional topics. Comprehensive coverage is provided on the traditional topics of multinational finance. Distinctive chapters and appendices on key topics. Distinctive chapters are devoted to topics of special interest to practitioners of multinational finance. Student learning aides. A number of learning aides highlight the main points in each chapter. - Callouts. Callouts in the text highlight and summarize key definitions and concepts. - Key Terms. Key terms appear in boldface the first time they are used. Key terms are listed at the end of each chapter and defined in a comprehensive Glossary . - Boxed essays provide market updates, real-world examples, and applications that link the conceptual material to managerial practice. - Conceptual Questions at the end of each chapter summarize the key ideas in each chapter and allow students to test their understanding of the material. - A robust set of end-of-chapter Problems provides practice in applying the financial concepts, techniques, and strategies. Solutions are provided in a Solutions Manual that is available to instructors adopting Multinational Finance for classroom use. - PowerPoint handouts. PowerPoint handouts for each chapter review the chapter''s key learning objectives and illustrate how to apply the material in a real-world setting. Many instructors use these handouts as the basis for their lectures. Instructional aides. A comprehensive Instructor''s Manual is available to adopting instructors. - More than 600 PowerPoint slides review the key elements in each chapter and illustrate how to apply the material. The NotesPages that accompany the slides provide additional insights and examples for the instructor''s classroom use. - A Solutions Manual provides answers to the end-of-chapter questions and problems. - A Test Bank available to instructors includes nearly 1,100 test questions and solutions including true-false, multiple - choice and matching questions, comprehensive numerical problems, and short essays. The objective in providing these supplements is to reduce the burden of preparation and allow instructors to spend their time where it is most needed - in teaching.

Wiley Finance: Multinational Finance : Evaluating Opportunities, Costs, and Risks of Operations by Kirt C. Butler EPUB, MOBI

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