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Read online ebook Play, Projects, and Preschool Standards : Nurturing Children's Sense of Wonder and Joy in Learning by Gera Jacobs PDF, DJV, FB2


"The ideas in this book will seem familiar and nonthreatening'yes, teachers can indeed use what they already know and what their children love, but they can also enhance and expand favorite activities, enriching the educational benefits of everyday experiences." ?From the Foreword by Marilou Hyson Stimulate children's love of learning while meeting standards and benchmarks! Teachers today are often challenged by and concerned about the expectations in states' early learning standards. They have questions about their appropriateness, implementation, and tendency to overlook the needs of the growing number of children who are second language learners or who have disabilities and developmental delays. In Play, Projects, and Preschool Standards, authors Gera Jacobs and Kathy Crowley tackle these questions (and more!) head-on, providing teachers with plenty of lively, creative ideas to develop children's genuine curiosity while building the skills they'll need to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. In inviting, informal language, the authors walk readers through the creation of well-planned projects and activities that both capture children's interest and enhance social and pre-academic development. Each chapter offers: "What Research and the Experts Say" snapshots, and applications of the research in practice "Try This" activity ideas that engage children and meet standards Suggestions for tailoring activities to meet the needs of bilingual children and children with special needs This timely book is sure to give teachers the confidence and competence they need to connect the experiences that make preschool so enjoyable with the skill development that makes preschool so necessary., Research tells us that young children learn best through play and hands-on activities. This research-based resource from two educators leading the effort to develop their own state's standards links sample early learning standards for children ages 3-5 with numerous ideas for creating joyful, playful educational experiences. In inviting, informal language, the authors walk readers through the creation of well-planned projects and activities that capture children's interest and develop critical skills. Covering both curriculum and social-emotional guidelines, the book provides guidance in helping three-year-olds make progress towards goals, and four- and five-year-olds accomplish learning goals. Repeated chapter features include: · Sample standards and benchmarks based on existing state and national association standards (e.g., NAEYC, NCTM, NCSS, NASPE, and more) · Connecting popular projects and themes with standards and benchmarks · Suggestions for designing optimal learning environments and motivating materials · Snapshots of "What Research and the Experts Say" and how it applies to practice · "Try This" activity ideas that put standards and benchmarks into practice · Suggestions for tailoring activities to meet the needs of English language learners and children with special needs The final chapter ties all of the information together, and offers suggestions to support children's transition to kindergarten. An extensive resources section provides sample observation and assessment tools, helpful websites, a list of excellent children's books and songs, and more. Beginning and veteran preschool teachers will benefit from this user-friendly guide to meeting high-quality standards through joyful learning experiences., Stimulate children's love of learning while meeting standards and benchmarks! This research-based resource links sample early learning standards for children ages 35 with numerous ideas for creating joyful, playful educational experiences. In inviting, informal language, the authors walk readers through the creation of well-planned projects and activities that both capture children's interest and develop critical social and pre-academic skills. Each chapter offers: Snapshots of "What Research and the Experts Say" and how it applies to practice "Try This" activity ideas that engage children and meet standards Suggestions for tailoring activities to meet the needs of English Language Learners and children with special needs, Today's teachers and providers are often challenged by and concerned about the expectations in their states' early learning standards. How appropriate are standards for young children? How do they correlate with existing expectations and curricula? How inclusive are standards for second language learners and those with disabilities and developmental delays? In Play, Projects, and Preschool Standards, authors Gera Jacobs and Kathy Crowley tackle these questions-and more-head-on. They provide readers with plenty of lively, creative ideas to develop children's genuine curiosity while building essential skills for all children to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. With inviting, informal language, the authors walk readers through the creation of well-planned projects and activities that both capture children's interest and enhance social and early academic development in all curriculum areas. Each chapter offers: "What Research and the Experts Tell Us" snapshots and applications of the research in practice, "Try This" activity ideas that engage children and address standards, Suggestions for tailoring activities to meet the needs of bilingual children and children with special needs, This timely book is sure to give teachers and childcare professionals the confidence and ability to connect the experiences that make preschool so enjoyable with the potential for learning that makes preschool so valuable. Book jacket.

Play, Projects, and Preschool Standards : Nurturing Children's Sense of Wonder and Joy in Learning by Gera Jacobs read online book MOBI, DJV, PDF

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