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Read Physics and Psychics : The Search for a World Beyond the Senses MOBI


Critically examines theories of a transcendent reality in terms of what is known about matter at its most fundamental level. This book examines a number of paranormal claims and shows how they can be explained without resorting to supernatural or psychic hypotheses., No Marketing Blurb, The astonishing discoveries made by modern physics - imploding black holes, ghost-like quarks, and the odd rules governing quantum mechanics - have transformed our image of the physical world. A growing number of writers assert that such discoveries also demonstrate the existence of a nonphysical, spiritual world, a world that permits a wide variety of paranormal and psychic phenomena. What exactly has physics shown us? Is there a world that transcends the sphere of the senses? Millions throughout history have thought so, but the existence of such a world is still accepted on faith alone. The tools of science have revealed no proof of spirits, ghosts, or supernatural phenomena. Physics and Psychics critically examines theories of a transcendent reality in terms of all that is currently known about matter at its most fundamental level. Victor J. Stenger gives a provocative, often amusing history of psychic research and occult beliefs, offering a convincing rebuttal to those who attempt to link physics to mystical truths. Stenger examines a number of well-known paranormal claims and shows how they can be explained without resorting to supernatural or psychic hypotheses. Discussing quantum theory and relativity, he demonstrates that these concepts actually invalidate paranormal claims and that there is no scientific basis for a universe other than one composed of observable matter. The human species has always lived under the assumption that supernatural forces determine destiny. Can our lives retain meaning when this assumption seems unfounded? Writes Stenger: "The supernatural has been a yoke on the neck of humanity since we first began to think and dream. The tools of science provide the wherewithal to be guided not by 'a world beyond the senses' but by the power of the intellect; hence, they have given us 'freedom to live and act according to the fullest knowledge about the world'." Stenger's vivid depiction of physics research provides a fitting culmination to this powerful book., This book critically examines theories of a transcendent reality in terms of all that is currently known about matter at its most fundamental level. Victor J. Stenger gives a provocative, often amusing history of psychic research and occult beliefs, offering a convincing rebuttal to those who attempt to link physics to mystical truths. Stenger examines a number of well-known paranormal claims and shows how they can be explained without resorting to supernatural or psychic hypotheses. Discussing quantum theory and relativity, he demonstrates that these concepts actually invalidate paranormal claims and that there is no scientific basis for a universe other than one composed of observable matter.

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