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Download ebook No Crystal Stair : Womanist Spirituality by Diana L. Hayes TXT, DOC, FB2


The spirituality of black women in the United States is a womanist spirituality, one that flows from their lived encounters with Cod, nurtured and sustained with sweat, tears and yes, at times, blood as they worked the fields, worked in the homes of white families, worked in factories and wherever else they could to support their families, worked in factories and wherever else they could to support their families and build their communities. Theirs is a spirituality grounded in their faith in a God who affirmed their worth as human beings created in God's own image and likeness. It is a spirituality that arise from a deep and abiding faith in a God of love, & wonder-working God who walked and talked with them, giving the, the strength to preserve. In this collection of essays, prayers, and meditations, Diana lays the foundation of womanist spirituality in the lived faith and struggles of African American women. In her introduction she reviews her own spiritual journey-her training as a lawyer, her conversation to Catholicism, her decision to study theology, and her own breakthrough as a womanist theologian. Book jacket.

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